Posted on 9/7/2017

You Need Professionals We now live in a world, at least as far as cars go, where everything affects everything. Even the simplest service done absolutely correctly can result in an unanticipated problem that requires the skills of a master tech to resolve. In other words, a guy who just changes oil will hopefully get very good at changing oil and at avoiding many of the common pitfalls of that service. But at some point, something will happen, most likely not caused by any technical error, but as a result or happenstance of the service. Here are 3 examples I have seen recently: The Maxima Mystery Several Nissan Maximas built in the last decade would come in for a routine oil change. When the oil change was complete and the car was restarted, the check engine light would come on. Even more maddening, it always seemed to wait until the customer drove the car away b ... read more